Welcome to the Rose Parrakeet Aeroplane Home Page www.roseparrakeet.org
gh Dedicated to the Men & Women who Designed, Built and Flew All Variations of
the Rose Parrakeet from ROSE
AEROPLANE & MOTOR CO. BlackHawk Aircraft Co. Hannaford Aircraft Co. Rhinehart-Rose Mfg. Experimental Reproductions
Site Designed & Maintained by Members of the Parrakeet Pilots Club gh
Above - Flight of Four Parrakeets At Blakesburg 2009 From left to right Rhinehart Rose Parrakeets NC14883 & NC14884, Hannaford D1 N1154A and Parrakeet Reproduction N111EJ. Original
photo by Robert Hughes, 2009. Cropped & modified as banner strip by DG Click on N-numbers above to see more pics of these A/C
Flash! 4/15/09 - Rose Parrakeet Discussion Forum. A place to leave comments, ask construction questions of forum moderators Larry DeCamp and Dan Rhinehart. Also check for planes, parts,
services and plans for sale. Click Here
Above - Rose Parrakeet Biplane Illustration Click
to play Biplane refrain Illustration by Tony Weddel. Note N-number in illustration is ficticious, but everything else is pure
Parrakeet. Note: the line of the engine mount and thrust line appear to be for A4C w/ 65-100 hp engine rather than lower A-1 thrust line w/ 40 hp engine. Reprinted from Aviation Quarterly, Volume
6, Issue 1, cover.
first met Dan Rhinehart via email because of a picture of his father, Doug Rhinehart with Rose Parrakeet NC14881 at the Alameda, NM airport (since paved over as a shopping mall) on the internet. My initial focus was to write an article about this interesting biplane for our local EAA Chapter 179 in Albuquerque, NM. Then Dan asked me to help him track down pictures, articles and memorabilia of Doug and his "Keets". I have had some success at that, but the "TV film footage" Dan remembers from the early 70's still eludes us. I subsequently contracted "Parrakeet Fever", joined the Antique Airplane Association and the Parrakeet Pilot's Club. I have recently bought plans to review. The Parrakeet, the people and the history fascinate me, hence the attempt to document the whole story in one place. However, there is no doubt that this web site still reflects my on-going effort to help Dan.
If you have any photographs, articles, memorabilia, anecdotes or film footage of Doug Rhinehart, please send it to me at webmaster@roseparrakeet.org and I'll send it on to Dan. I hope that a side benefit of the web site is to create new or renewed interest in building and restoring
Rose Parrakeets.
See the "History" links to learn more about the fascinating story of the development of all of the Parrakeet Aeroplanes including the Rose Parrakeet, Blackhawk Rose
Parrakeet, Hannaford Rose Parrakeet, Hannaford Bee, Rhinehart Rose Parrakeet and experimental reproductions as well as the people (People Index) who designed, built and flew all versions of the Rose Parrakeet (Aircraft Index). There is also an incomplete Bibliography of Parrakeet Articles
To support current Parrakeet owners, we have provided a "Parrakeet Pilot's Club" section which features information about the Antique Aircraft Association's
"Parrakeet Pliots Club" and "The Parrakeet Pilot" newsletter by Editor, Barry Taylor (See Newsletter Index). In case you missed it elsewhere on this page,
we have also added Parrakeet Discussion Forum.
For those individuals who are interested in building a Rose Parrakeet from plans, we have included the "Construction" section moderated by Larry DeCamp, Parrakeet owner & restorer (Rose Parrakeet S/N 106, NC14866). Also plans and parts available are listed in the Rose Parrakeet Forum
If you own a Rose, Rhinehart Rose or experimental Parrakeet and would like to send photographs, anecdotes or historical information,
please send them to me at the email below. Thanks, Don Gillmore
All content and images not otherwise marked are the property of Don Gillmore Copyright © 2005-2009