Rose Parrakeet A-1 S/N 103 NC14843 - More Photos 1
Above - Photo of NC14843 taken by Ralph Johnston circa 1936?, location unknown. Photo courtesy of Roy Oberg.
Above -NC14843. Circa 1936? At Pal-Waukee Airport (KPWK), Wheeling, Illinois. Photos Courtesy of Dan Rhinehart.
Below -NC14843.(foreground) & NC14844 in front of the hangar at Pal-Waukee Airport, Wheeling,Illinois, circa 1936? This photo is almost identical to the photo abovw right, which shows
NC14843 at a slightly different angle. Photos Courtesy of Dan Rhinehart.
Right - 1950s photo of S/N 103. It has been re-licensed in the experimental category and the modifications include: installation of a
fuel injected A-65 or C-85 Continental engine using the A-40 thrust line and a somewhat crude cowling, and the substitution of Aeronca Defender gear legs in place of the original landing gear. Photo
reprinted from Aviation Quarterly Vol. 6, Issue 1. Below Left & Right - 1950s photo of S/N 103 with same modifications. Photos courtesy of Dan Rhinehart..
Above —NC14843. Circa 1936? Date & location unknown. Below
—NC14843. Circa 1936? Date & location unknown.
Roy Oberg told me that Ralph Johnston took the photo on the upper left of the page in 1938. However, it appears to be very similar to the
other early photos at least two of which I can place at the Pal-Waukee Airport sometime, prior to their delivery in California in 1936.
Did Ralph Johnston take all of these photos of NC14843 &
NC14844 at Pal-Waukee?
Right -Luverne Reller in front of NC14843. Date & location unknown. 14843 was co-owned by J. L.
Blatchly & Reller from December 1950 to September 1952. Photo courtesy of Lyman Hatz.
In an email dated 12/01/09, Lyman states that this aircraft was based in Madison, WI. CAA/FAA registration documents list the official
address during this time as St. Cloud, MN. Anyone have any additional information one way or the other?